what is your path?


Receiving my new bracelet with the engraving “Go off script. Blaze your own path” as a free gift with purchase hit me stronger than I imagined as I thought about the saying and how it related to my own life. It has quickly become a favorite. Check out: Rustic Cuff // http://www.rusticcuff.com for other inspirational options! After receiving the bracelet just a few days earlier, we attended church Saturday night to hear a new sermon series: STAND — A Life of Courage. It was then that I knew I was inspired to share my own path.

Everyone has their own path in life on where they came from and how they wove through the years to where they are today. I love hearing about these journeys from new encounters, new friends and even learning more from old friends! What is your path?

Growing up in a small town with a population of 5000 was truly awesome. Some people who have never been to a town of that size can’t even imagine what that must have been like. But for me and my friends, we had nothing to compare it to and we made the very best of it in whatever we were doing……it was where our family was, where we went to school, where we played in the parks, where we ran through the streets, where we bumped into mischief, where we succeeded in school and in sports, and where we made a 1000 memories. As I grew up from the age of 3 to my senior year of High School, I always sought out to do my best, try harder, work harder and I never took anything for granted. My parents were great supporters with a heart of gold but they also taught me strong lessons and made me appreciate what I had and what I had worked hard for to buy on my own. I loved to shop from a young age so I was always saving money so I could shop when visiting our family in Kansas City. By shopping, I mean who didn’t love the GAP in the late 80s and early 90s —- plaids, baggy jeans, rugby style shirts, faded jeans cuffed at the bottom?! If I wanted to buy the expensive jeans than I needed to save my $$ and that is exactly what I did. I mowed various land for my dad to make easy cash in the Kansas heat, and the minute I turned 16 I started filling out applications to get a part-time job. I didn’t really have time for a job after school activities but I wanted to make some cash and I loved worked working with people and so I managed to fit it all in. I guess it was just the beginning of mastering those multi-tasking, time management days!

From the age of 5, I grew up on the family farm. We lived in a house that had been in my family for over 100 years so it was special to the family but 10 miles outside of the town where most of my friends lived. This made it a bit harder to see my friends as much as I would have liked as I couldn’t just open the door and run down the street. But again, I learned to entertain myself as a kid, and I had to make plans to see my friends outside of school activities, which just made time with friends more special and fun. The advantage living on a farm did grant me was a driving permit at the age of 14 which could be used to/from school or work AND maybe a few trips off that path to hang out with friends or cruise around before making that journey home.

A few days after graduation, I moved to a new city. I had always dreamed of living in a big city so my next step in life was moving to Kansas City where I had secured a summer nanny position with an amazing family that I still love to connect with today, 21 years later. I sadly said good-bye to all my dear friends and left my last summer before going to college to move to a great city. However, leaving home and moving away at the age of 18 and knowing no one else my age to hang out with was pretty dramatic. I love people though so I stayed happy and busy with the family I was staying with and went along with their schedule in life and yes we had alot of fun in Kansas City and on the many trips to their lake house for long weekends of relaxation. It was the days before cell phones so I probably made alot of calls to my friends in the evenings. It was a summer I am sure I missed out on alot of fun in my happy, known environment but something inside of me said to go for it and try something new. My parents were always supportive but I am sure they were always thinking I would get these crazy moves and ideas out of my head and eventually want to settle close by. Little did they know….it was just the beginning! And this relates back to keeping the motivation and courage and not letting it abandon you.

At the end of the summer I went off to college, which led to a few more summers living and nannying for the same Kansas City family. In my 4th year in the Interior Architecture program we had 3 choices: find a 30 week paid internship, study abroad, or stay on campus to makeup any core classes that were needed. I would say a majority of my class chose the study abroad route. Wow….did I want to do the same? Yes! I secretly researched ways to study in Australia as it was always a place I wanted to travel to but my time dwindled, the internet wasn’t what it is today and I wasn’t quite sure how I would pay for my studies as it was something my parents weren’t so excited to back at the time and gave me alot more support on the “internship route” as they thought Kansas City would be a great place as it does have several great architecture firms. Little did they know that I had been in Kansas City for a few summers already so I was ready for the next city on my life journey. I had traveled to Chicago once on spring break trip with friends and had fallen in love with that city immediately. So when thinking of an internship, I thought of nowhere else but Chicago. I sent several resumes in the mail, followed up to sit up interviews and flew there for a few days to interview. I remember a few questions from the managing principal that hired me, “How could your parents let you move to chicago from a small town in Kansas? Are you ready? Can you do this?” When I would hear those questions or hear doubts in people’s voices, that is when it pumps extra adrenalin and encourages me even more to work even harder. Luckily he believed in me and hired me for an amazing 9 month internship that allowed me to move about 6 weeks later and experienced the special city of architecture and design.

Chicago…..who doesn’t love that city? Well….people that only visit in January may not love that city, however they just don’t know what they are missing. Growing up in the midwest, the winters didn’t bother me as much as they do others. My 9 months there in the extreme cold, the hot summer weeks were filled with a memorable internship, a long list of new work contacts, new friends and a love for a new city that I wanted to permenantly live in! This crushed my parents as they were happy to watch me try new things and succeed but they were saddened that I wasn’t going to live close by. I wouldn’t say living away from family and old friends is easy, but it makes me cherish everything even more.

When people ask where I grew up, they were/are always blown away by my response and are usually left with nothing to respond back with…..a farm, a small town (both are so unfamiliar to so many). However I don’t know if my path would be similar if I had grown up in a big city. Would I still have had the passion to venture out on new journeys to new places and to explore things on my own?! Or did my past give me the motivation and drive that was needed to make these moves to new places not knowing anyone and going after my dreams to do better, work harder, and succeed in what I tried?!

I love talking to students and the younger generation and hearing about their passions. I also love to push and encourage the younger generation to go out and explore. Perhaps they go and explore and find out where they need to be, whether that is somewhere new or somewhere that they are more familiar with from their past. No matter the decision, they sought after the dream, the journey, the next steps in life and that is the important part. “What could you do if you could had the courage, or be able to encourage others?”

I think about “….blazing my own path” and that is just a small portion of my overall  journey but its something I am passionate about and wanted to share as I can’t stop staring at my new bracelet. Although I will always continue to “blaze” as hard as I can in whatever I do, I have found my happy…..a place I love in both personal and professional alongside of an amazing group of friends, family, coworkers + mentors that are spread all across the country. I also thank God everyday for watching out for me and giving me the added inspiration that has been needed along the way.

Have COURAGE in all you do…..take leaps, and make your own path. “We all have courage but sometimes it gets covered up. Find it, stand in the middle of it and let it be stirred up around you.”

With that last thought…….What is your path?


the days of change

I wrote this diary of events over 1-1/2 years ago and just went back to it today. Back in 2013, we decided not to make this all public and then it happened again and I didn’t write a dialogue. But we are on what I like to think is “Third Times a Charm”. I decided I should share as it was a time in our lives that was major so I should share the dream, the hope, the blessing.

So jumping back in time….this was our past and so much goodness has happened since then!


Sept 25 . 2013

I had been feeling a bit heavy the past 2 weeks but I simply was blaming it on traveling and the constant restaurant food that I had been eating. My pants were tight, shirts were a bit snug, so I was thinking I needed to get back on track to working out and eating better.

Little did I know….it was more than just a few extra pounds from food.

It was a day our lives changed forever.

A simple test showed positive. I wasn’t quite sure how to react….joyful and happy or waiting calmly to find out if the results were indeed accurate. So I took the 2nd approach and remained calm but my mind kept wandering back to the test. I showed the test to Gardner when he came in the door and he laughed. In a worried, scarcastic tone…he asked “what I had done to the test to make it show positive….”. Well….little did he know a person can’t manipulate the test. So he carried on with the usual evening routine.

Could it be? If so, it was a dream come true. Anyone that knows me well, knows I absolutely adore kids…kids at every age. Being an avid babysitter growing up, a nanny during summers of college, and a proud aunt for 13 years, while watching many friends have 1, 2, 3…..kids or more. I have always had that wish that that would be me one day holding my own baby. The proud mom waking up everyday to see a sweet child, rocking them asleep at night, taking care of them when they are sick, running outside with them playing ball, fun trips to the ice cream shop, and all the many activities that come with growing up as a child. I know there is a lot of responsibility to come with parenthood and you know….I AM READY. And I will speak for Gardner….WE ARE READY.

Gardner and I talked and joked about being the old parents. We may be the age of other kids grandparents when our child goes to school. Not entirely funny as it would be true. But hey….we are older and wiser and ready to take on this next chapter!

But you just can’t plan the road ahead in the timeframe wanted. I would say “its better late than never”…which probably could be my life story! It took me awhile to figure out my major in college, dated many years before meeting my husband, we finally found a city we love together, and I have the job of my dreams! I would say the timing couldn’t be better so I will continue saying prayers throughout the day as God leads us through the days, weeks, and months ahead.


Sept 26 . 2013

I woke up anxiously to try other simple test which showed postive.

I phoned my doctor only to be told I needed to wait until 10 weeks, which put me to a late October appointment. Oh wow….another day with my mind racing….continually saying prayers and thinking happy thoughts.
However it was exciting to hear the lady on the phone say, Congrats after booking my prenatal appointment!


Sept 27 . 2013

Another more advanced test read pregnant. Now 3 tests all showed positive so this could indeed be real if everything progressed positively. PRAYERS…PRAYERS…PRAYERS

Throughout the past 3 days, I made some instant changes in my life.

Cut the caffeine…those 2 cups of coffee and trips to Starbucks for a Latte are sadly missed.

Cut the wine….my evenings and dinners out sure are different. I try not to look at the wine menu, glance at the other wine glasses and just focus on my beautiful, crystal clear sparkling water with a lime! The bubbles sure are fabulous!

No more dinners out for sushi…which was my favorite meal out.

Should I eat this? Can I eat that? I am on my internet searching foods all the time. The hard challenge is the cheese…who knew?

No more skipping meals to save calories which was easy to do with my on the go job. Breakfast is a must and snacks are so important.

Lots and Lots of water….this is actually new as I would go through several days without much water. I think my diet went from coffee, a little water, on to wine. And it will not be that way for awhile!

I am taking extra precautions in hopes of being healthy and getting the healthy things to the little one starting to form and grow.

Now the waiting continues…….And the vow to secrecy is so very tough.

Each day I try to get as much exercise as possible. No more excuses of drinking wine on the sofa. So for now I am enjoying the beautiful fall weather that has finally arrived in Dallas.

Can I run at a moderate pace like normal? No….how fast things have shifted. I run until I get tired and then I have come to be okay with a brisk walking pace as anything is better than snacking on the sofa!


October 9 . 2013

Today marks the start of week 7 with only 33 weeks to go!

This week I am told I am carrying a blueberry….how crazy to think?!

This week I will spend a few days alone as the husband goes on a 4 day business trip. I am assuming I may be a bit lazy those days or I could be really productive with housework?! Lets see which way I go.

I will spend a fun Saturday evening with friends trying a new restaurant after a great church service at HPUMC! Looking forward to a fun night out but disappointed I will have to say NO to the wine. Like thats not going to look suspicious?!

Today, I just read “Nothing you face will be too much for you. You will overcome every obstacle, outlast every challenge, and come through every difficulty better off than you were before.” Those are such strong words of wisdom holding so much truth.


November 9 . 2013

Another month has passed after 3 trips to see the doctor, 2 sonograms, and lots of blood drawn. I feel great for 2 weeks and then I have a day where I feel completely worn out. Like today….we went for a 3 mile brisk neighborhood walk and then lounged on the sofa watching Kansas State beat Texas Tech in Lubbock #greatwin #arethecatsback and now I feel like I need a nap. Ha!

So the waiting continues as the first sonogram showed nothing. By the calendar, we should have been 9+weeks along but with Gardner tagging along with me, we were saddened to hear “you may not be pregnant”.

I was told to come back for another sonogram and the waiting continued another 10 days for the next available appointment. On this visit, there was a bit of hope on the screen. Now the doctor tells me she actually sees 2 sacs…..could we really be having twins? The thought of twins would be happiness beyond belief….a lot of work for many years to come but so much joy! However the bad part of the story was she couldn’t hear a heartbeat. So it seems to be a 50/50 chance as it could still be too early and my calendar dates may be behind what has developed, but again…back to the calendar to wait yet another 10 days for the next open appointment. The doctor said that by next Friday, if they don’t hear a heartbeat, we need to move forward with treating the miscarriage. Ugh…I know miscarriages are pretty common but the thought is heart breaking.

Tick . Tock . Tick . Tock ……… the wait for next Friday’s sonogram appointment continues.

The feared words were spoken and we proceeded with the doctor’s recommendation.

We were saddened beyond belief and these days still jump back into my head and I think how far we have come. Having a baby is not easy and I have so many friends that have had to deal with many similar and different experiences of sadness.

I always continued to tell myself to keep the dream alive … if God wanted us to be parents he would indeed see that through at some point and I believe that is true for all my friends that are still dealing with the dream of having a baby!

The next post will be jumping into the current day and time of March 2015!


A night of art

The BIG night had finally arrived where Gardner was able to showcase his talent, creativity and love for art.

Back in August, I convinced him that it would be fun to submit a portfolio. It was for a competition called Artist v Architect. A panel of judges selected 12 artists and 12 architects for the battle of the best. Each person was to submit one piece of their own and then they were matched up with another to create a collaborative piece.

When I read the rules for submission, I realized we had no portfolio of Gardner’s work but it is showcased throughout our house. So the day before the deadline, I grabbed our tripod and moved around the house photographing every piece. You may wonder…well where was Gardner? Well…..as most people could guess, he was spending another weekend day at the office in his workstation, eyes glued to the computer.

That is were our teamwork and respect for each other comes in to play. We both fully understand the time that is needed to complete project deadlines so I knew I had to do the work if we were going to make the submission deadline while Gardner worked hard on his architectural deadlines in the office. So I rapidly photographed all the art around our house, sat at my computer for a few hours of photoshop editing and then compiled it all into a thoughtful, simple, but comprehensive portfolio that I had to email the next day.

Although Gardner has a degree in Architecture, he has had a lifetime of passion for art and started painting at a young age alongside of his father and uncle who both saw an abundant world filled with a creative foundation.

Gardner’s work incorporates a mix media of paint and collage. He was first inspired by Robert Diebenkorn, Franz Klein and Mark Rothko, all of which were masterful colorists and gifted contemporaries of composition form. Throughout his architectural studies in North Carolina and Italy, he became fascinated with objects and scales where his art style shifted to collage masters. While living in Charlotte, North Carolina during the 90’s, Gardner was able to watch the downtown infrastructure undergo change which in turn added alot of demolition. This led him upon an opportunity to repurpose a bit of history through the reuse of existing structural components such as aluminum, steel and concrete. The natural patina and the aged materials encouraged him to refocus his art palette.

The day had finally arrived……and it was SOOO exciting to finally install Gardner’s individual piece at One Arts Plaza for all to see.

Each piece is so different from the next as his found pieces are unique, while never having muliples of the same structural components or artifacts. Which is why Gardner was having a hard time parting with his piece the night of the event!

Below are both pieces that Gardner created…..the first being his individual piece which was a collage of work measuring 36″x48″ —                                                                               Grove Park No.22

The second is the collaboration piece which was done in conjuction with his artist partner, Riley Holloway. Gardner’s part was a mix of metal, steel, and KnollTextiles wallcovering memos.

For all the artwork shown was up for either a live or silent auction so there were opportunities to bid on various pieces of work and 100% of all the proceeds went to the organization, Family Compass. Last nights event brought in over $10000 from the auction bids on top of all the ticket sales.

It was such a great night to watch Gardner in his artist element surrounded by several great friends and colleagues who attended in support. So thankful for all those that were there and many others that we know couldn’t join us that night but I know are 100% behind the vision and artist talents of Gardner.

At the end of the evening, Gardner was selected as Favorite Architect while a Favorite Artist was also selected. Then they asked the crowd….who’s your favorite — Artist OR Architect?! Sure enough…Gardner won the event as Favorite Architect Artist. We don’t have all the details yet, but this win has given him the opportunity to create a full collection of work which will be on display in the OmniHotel next summer. The best part is it will all be FOR SALE. So to all our friends and family who want a Gardner Vass piece….stay tuned for more details.

Below is Gardner with his trophy….he was in shock but very excited at the same time. I have no doubt that his show this summer will be nothing short of phenomenal.

Below is the piece that Gardner hung in our family room. It was a test to see how it looked. Gardner loved what it added to our room and he decided he wanted to bid on his own art the night of the event. After several people made their bids the night of the event, Gardner swept in at the last minute to take the high bid. We will bring it home in a few days for a permanent installation for all our friends and family to see that weren’t able to be at the event.

I can’t say I disagreed….I was secretly hoping we could afford to bid on it as well. Plus we were more than excited to know our $$ would be going to the organization, Family Compass (www.family-compass.org). Family Compass works hard to build healthy families and a strong Dallas community by preventing child abuse and neglect. A mission we fill so strongly towards.

Thanks again to all our friends and family who continue to support our passion for design, architecture + art. We feel so blessed.

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